And Our Ongoing Support Goes Out To...

We are proud to support this group of not only genuinely interesting, but also very inspiring young women.
If these young ladies are representative of our future...we are in very good hands!
- Randa
Who is Faith in Femininity?
It is a mission to give impoverished women power over their periods by consistently providing feminine hygiene products FREE of charge.
Faith in Femininity was formed through Fenton First Presbyterian Church, by two high school students, Waverly Ritchie, and Lindsey Gibb, who have a passion for helping others.
Through monetary donations and donations of feminine products, they work with local community outreach programs to help women in Flint, MI, and the surrounding areas be sanitary, safe and confident.
In less than 1 year, they have delivered almost 1,000 feminine hygiene packs (each pack contains enough product for 1 monthly cycle) FREE of charge!
Did you know...
There is a LUXURY tax on tampons?
Currently, MI has no state-funded program to help cover the cost of these BASIC NECESSITIES?
1 in 4 women have struggled to purchase feminine hygiene products in the past year due to lack of funds?
Women in our local communities are resorting to using socks, paper towel and reusing tampons (putting themselves at risk for infection and TSS) because they do not have access to the supplies they need?
For just $3 per month (less than you would pay for a single cup of coffee) - you can sponsor a women's entire yearly cycle?
Learn more about Faith and Femininity - and the wonderful work they are doing by visiting their website or by reading our December Blog.
Meet the Faith in Feminity Team

Co - Presidents
Waverly and Lindsey, both 16, are the co-founders and presidents of Faith in Femininity.

Vice President
Madeline, 14, is the Vice President of Faith in Femininity

Maris, age 16, is the group's treasurer, and she’s a master at couponing.